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Re: typo error

On Tuesday, 2002-09-10 at 10:13:59 AM (+0200), Jan-Hendrik Palic wrote:
> we are now using the official unofficial debian-packages [1]from
> Torsten Werner, libstlport Maintainer, to build OpenOffice.org. There
> were some changes to our highly unofficial debian-packages of
> libstlport. 
> The problem is now, that Chris Halls builded OpenOffice.org againts
> Torsten's libstlport packages, but they are older for apt-get, so
> apt-get will not automaticly install the newer libstlport. We used
> different versioning for our unofficial libstlport packages to
> Torsten's official unofficial packages.
> To solve that, please grap Torsten's libstlport packages from:
> http://ftp.freenet.de/pub/ftp.vpn-junkies.de/openoffice/pool/main/stlport/
> and then reinstall OpenOffice.org.
> Then the problem, that libstlport_gcc_3.0.so.4.5 isn't found, should
> be solved!

For having some extra fun I can tell you that Debian revision -3 of
stlport never got installed into the ftp archive. I have uploaded a new
version -4 that does not support g++-3.2 (aka openoffice) any more. The
g++-3.2 transition is planned when a policy for the transition is

Since I will have vacation until 2-Oct-2002 I am not sure if I can build
some experimental packages that support g++-3.2. All my stuff is
available at

deb http://twerner.debian.net/ stlport/
deb-src http://twerner.debian.net/ stlport/

Torsten Werner                         Dresden University of Technology
mailto:email@twerner42.de                telephone: +49 (351) 463 36711
http://www.twerner42.de/                   telefax: +49 (351) 463 36809

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