RE: dselect sources
Yeah, I mucking around w/ dselect on Cygwin. On my Debian machine I prefer
-----Original Message-----
From: Sean 'Shaleh' Perry []
Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2002 4:18 PM
Subject: Re: dselect sources
On Thursday 22 August 2002 04:09 pm, Colin Watson wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 22, 2002 at 02:19:28PM -0700, Bedford, Donald T. wrote:
> > From where does dselect get it's [A]ccess list (cdrom, file, nfs,
> > etc.)? Is there a dir or file that is read ( /etc/dpkg/dselect.cfg
> > perhaps)?
> It's constructed by looking through /usr/lib/dpkg/methods and
> /usr/local/lib/dpkg/methods (the latter won't exist on most systems) for
> files called 'names'. The other files in those directories provide the
> methods' extended descriptions and implement the methods themselves.
> Cheers,
Note you only really want to use the apt method the rest are obsolete and
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