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Re: Vncserver - Resultion?

Thus spake Per Amundsen (korn@jubii.dk):

> Hi!
> Is there someway I can get a higher resolution than 640x480 when I start
> vncserver from SSH ?

    vncserver -geometry XxY

The beauty of this is that X and Y do not have to be standard screen
resolution numbers.

For example, I run both my home and office machines at 1024x768. I am
currently at home connected to my office machine via vnc. In order to
get a good sized display but not obscure (e.g.) the task bar, this is
the command I run:

    vncserver -depth 16 -geometry 920x690

works a treat.

|Deryk Barker, Computer Science Dept. | Music does not have to be understood|
|Camosun College, Victoria, BC, Canada| It has to be listened to.           |
|email: dbarker@camosun.bc.ca         |                                     |
|phone: +1 250 370 4452               |         Hermann Scherchen.          |

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