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Woody & network errors

Ever since upgrading from Potato to Woody on a box with a 2.4.4 kernel, the 
eth0 device starting getting errors... lots of errors.  ifconfig shows 
anywhere from 80 to 150 errors after 2 hours of reasonably heavy Internet 
activity.  I replaced the patch cable from the PC to the hub,  tried different
ports on the hub, (eventually trying a new hub) without any changes in the 
error situation.  I figured it must be the NIC going south so I replaced it 
(RTL8139) with a 3Com.  Same scenario.  Many errors on eth0.  I can put any
of the NIC's in question into a Potato machine and they run error free.  But 
it seems that any combination of cables/hubs/NIC's that I put into the Woody
machine will rack up a boat load of errors.  There is no indication of 
problems, web surfing, mail, etc,etc seem to run fine on Woody.  But ifconfig
seems to indicate differently.  Does anyone have any ideas on what Woody
might have changed as far as the network interfaces that would cause this?
It really looks like a hardware problem to me, but I think I've eliminated 
all posibilities there with a 'when in doubt, swap it out' approach.  Any 
suggestions are appreciated!

   inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
   RX packets:4052 errors:24 dropped:2 overruns:20 frame:0
   TX packets:4083 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
   RX bytes:2135524 (2.0 MiB)  TX bytes:413420 (403.7 KiB)

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