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My ProFTP Anonymous section stopped working


Something happened recently to the anonymous section of my ProFTP
config, as it no longer allows logins claiming:

ANON valaki (Login failed): Limit access denies login

I haven't changed the config file for ages and I don't remember
doing anything that could have effected it.
The only suspect thing is that I recently did an update to Sarge...
(Was running testing before as well.)
On the other hand the real user sections of the server are working.

Here are some bits from my proftpd.conf with user names etc altered:

ServerType                      standalone
Port                            21
AllowForeignAddress             on 

MaxClients                      5   
MaxClientsPerHost               3

DefaultServer                   on
ShowSymlinks                    on
MultilineRFC2228                on
LsDefaultOptions                "-l"
#PersistentPasswd               off

SyslogLevel                     info
TransferLog                     /var/log/xferlog

DeferWelcome                    on
ServerIdent                     off

UseFtpUsers                     on
RootLogin                       off
#RequireValidShell              on
LoginPasswordPrompt             off

#UseHostsAllowFile              /etc/hosts.allow
#UseHostsDenyFile               /etc/hosts.deny

IdentLookups                    off
UseReverseDNS                   off

MaxInstances                    10
MaxLoginAttempts                1

Umask                           002
DenyFilter                      \*.*/

User                            nobody
Group                           nogroup

<Anonymous /home/ftpserver/new/incoming/guest>
        User    myftpuser
        Group   myftpgroup

        UserAlias               joe  myftpuser
        AnonRequirePassword     on
        AuthUsingAlias          on
        AuthAliasOnly           on
        RequireValidShell       off
        HideUser                root

        <Directory *>
                Umask           002  002
                <Limit READ WRITE>
                <Limit STOR DIRS MKD>

I'm logging in as joe and supplying the correct password but get denied...

Could someone please point me to the right direction?

Many thanks for your help in advance!
best regards,

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