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Re: WindowMaker startup

Last time I removed the gui login, I used xdm, I just uninstalled it. So
after that I just got the commandline login. When I wanted the gui login
again I just installed xdm or kdm again.
I have now gui login, but if i just want commmandline I do Ctrl+Alt+F1 and
then back to gui login with Alt+F7.


On Fri, 2 Aug 2002, Wm. G. McGrath wrote:

> Hi,
> I've a new install of Potato and the boot process concludes by
> launching X, the Debian screen with the marble and the red squiggle,
> and giving me a WindowMaker desktop. At startup I just want to boot
> into the command line. If I need X I'll launch it manually with
> startx. How do I disable the automatic launching of X? I don't wish
> to change anything else.
> 	bill
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