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Re: Intel PRO100

Chris Kenrick <chrisk@aurema.com> [2002-08-01 15:22:49 +1000]:
> > it as suggested by others.  Then probably there is a 'dpkg-reconfigure
> > something' which will walk you through that.  I don't know.  Can
> > someone suggest the helper utility that walks the user through that?
> modconf.

Excellent!  Thanks.  But unfortunately that only does the modules and
not the network configuration.  But good enough for a start.

MarkZ, ignore what I said before about /etc/modules.  Instead do this
as the root user.


Then scroll down to this and select it.

  kernel/drivers/net               Drivers for network interface cards

Then scroll down to this and select it.

  eepro100           - EtherExpress Pro/100 support

It should do the modprobe itself and if it found your card you are
good to go.  Exit out of that.

Now all that is needed is the network setup helper.  DHCP, yes or no,


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