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Re: A simple Ldap HOWTO?

<quote who="Lance Hoffmeyer">
> Anyone know where I could find a very simple HOWTO on setting up an LDAP
> server? I want to intigrate mutt, squirrelmail, and phpgroupware together
> but the HOWTO I have seen on ibiblio.org is extremely difficult to
> understand!  There must be  an easier way to setup the LDAP server or
> clearer instructions?

not to discourage you but in my journeys with ldap sofar there
are very few friendly easy to understand sites.

i spent a couple weeks of intensive learning, a lot of trial and
error before i got things running good. I plan to put up a website
sometime soon(been saying this for months) that details some
instructions on how to do it.

LDAP itself is very difficult(for me) to understand, to this day
I still cannot fully grasp  objectClasses and their various entries,
i muddle through though. I have ldap working for email routing
with postfix, as an ldap address book for squirrelmail(and other ldap
aware clients), i have setup netscape roaming, I have ldap authentication
with samba and samba-tng and pam_ldap/nss_ldap, and I have managed
to figure out a way to use the WinNT/2000 "change password" dialog
to update both SMB and Unix ldap passwords. also I have
setup replication between master and slave servers. what makes it harder
at least with openldap, is there are a lot of things that are
not documented, or not documented correctly. or not documented in
a place where i could find them.

its been tough. if you have specific questions and would like my
advice or help or examples i can provide them, maybe i will
get around to doing the ldap guide this weekend.

one of the better sites i thought for setting up ldap was
this one:

it is geared towards solaris, but applies generically to most
any openldap system. I got several examples from padl.com as for
how the ldap entries work but that particular page is gone, or
at least i can't find it anymore. I don't know how much if
any the above site will help you, but for setting up SSL/TLS
ldap it helped me a lot.

good luck, it will probably be a long and difficult struggle getting
into the learning curve, but once your past those first few
things, it gets much easier to manage(although still difficult
for me to understand).

if you want to email me, send an email to aphro.@at@.aphroland.dot.org
instead of this one, if you send it here it may get drowned out by
the list traffic and i may not see it.

good luck.


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