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Re: Can't compile qt3 programs with debian

Hello Markus,

owner-qt-interest@trolltech.com wrote:
using debian testing (sarge), I have the following qt debs installed:
markus@Eddie: > COLUMNS=120 dpkg -l \*qt\* | grep ii
ii  libqt2                   2.3.1-22
ii  libqt3                   3.0.3-20020329-1
ii  libqt3-dev               3.0.3-20020329-1
ii  libqt3-mt                3.0.3-20020329-1
It seems you installed the multi-threaded version of Qt...

markus@Eddie: > qmake -o Makefile Sticken.pro

What have you set as CONFIG ? Have you tried using "thread" in it ?
For example :
CONFIG += thread

On the other hand, you can get the latest source, and compile your own
Qt somewhere, this way you'll get full control.

Hope this helps.

     /- Yves Bailly - Software developper  -\
     \- Sescoi France http://www.sescoi.fr -/
"C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot. C++ makes it harder,
 but when you do, it blows away your whole leg." - Bjarne Stroustrup

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