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Re: Need Reasons for switching to Debian from Redhat

In muc.lists.debian.user, you wrote:

>> I didn't note them.  All my installs go that way so I assumed
>> it was SOP.
> Are you using potato boot media, or woody?

Woody.  Usually 2.4 boot floppies, but the "standard"
2.2.whatever floppies product the same results.

>> > This sounds like XFree86 3.3.x.  TMK, woody uses XFree86
>> Right.  But woody floppies don't install woody, they install
>> potato.
> Nah, they install woody, but reference stable (which is
> currently potato) packages.

I watched the packages being downloaded.  They were downloaded
from the "stable" directory.  Call it woody if you want, but
all of the packages it downloaded came from potato.

> The key here is the sources.list entries.  In most cases right
> now, simply let the install build a sources.list for you and
> then at the question about adding another source, say yes and
> choose to edit manually. Then change all references of stable
> to testing.

Things like that just shouldn't be required.  

How is a user supposed to know that they're supposed to
manually futz with stuff like that?

>> My only complaint about RH is that it's now on multiple CDs so
>> you can't just go away and leave it alone until it's done.
> Ah, a local mirror / network installation is your friend.

Apparently. Though that pretty much nullifies the much-vaunted
ability "install with a few floppies and a network connection".

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  Maybe we could paint
                                  at               GOLDIE HAWN a rich PRUSSIAN
                               visi.com            BLUE --

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