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uncommon ssl problem

For a while I have used sslwrap to encrypt imap traffic to remote clients.
This setup has run fine for at least 6 months, until I rebooted yesterday.

Mozilla and outlook express clients cannot connect. Mozilla reports
"Mozilla and hostname cannot communicate securely because they have
no common encryption algorithym." Outlook says "connection aborted"

None of my imap, sslwrap or openssl config files have changed since
I set everthing up. The only change was the security update to ssh.
But I updated ssh within a day of the update being released, and
this setup has worked just fine since.

I watched them talk via tcpdump, but I didn't learn much. /var/log/
didn't help much either. The only clue is sslwrap list the login
as login=???, so for some strange reason sslwap and ssl-taking
mozilla can't talk, so sslwrap hangs up on the client.

Any suggestions?

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