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Re: Setting up a new server.

When I want to move a server from one HDD to another in other hardware,
here is the outline of how I might do it ... unfortunately it assumes a
lot of knowledge.

Choose one: either copy the system and repair the hardware differences,
or install the system and compare/transfer the differences.  I usually
do the former.

a) use a CD or floppy bootable Linux (e.g. tomsrtbt, netinst, debian
rescue cd) to configure the network, partition the disk, make the blank
filesystem, and the swap partition,

b) use 'tar' over 'nc' (netcat) to clone the system via the network,
(with that processor speed, "gzip -1" in the pipe at the sending end is
almost worth it)

c) repair /etc/fstab in case of change to partition name of root or

d) chroot to mounted root partition and run lilo, then try to boot,
fixing any problems as they occur.

Yet another method on Debian is to dpkg-repack each package, which will
probably pull in your configuration edits, and then install those
packages on the target system.  Also move the /root and /home trees. 
I've not tried the repack method.

James Cameron                                     (james.cameron@hp.com)

http://quozl.linux.org.au/         (or)         http://quozl.netrek.org/

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