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G400 dual head frame buffer


 I'm trying to get second head of the matrox G400 working.
I've compiled kernel with frame buffer and second head support
for matrox. after inserting matroxfb_crtc module it says
Jul 10 16:29:15 lexa kernel: matroxfb_crtc2: secondary head of fb0 was registered as fb1

after that I can configure /dev/fb/1 with fbset utility. but
matroxset utility says that output of fb1 is connected to 0
and doesn't allow me to chage that, it complains:

ioctl failed: Invalid argument

what am I doing wrong? I've tried kernel-image-2.4.16-686 package
with the same result. I'm newbie on debian, but on suse I did
that trick and watched mplayer on the second framebuffer


  Best regards,
  Alexey Chetroi

Smile... Tomorrow will be worse.   (c) Murphy's law

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