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apache2 config question

Hello all.

I have a very simple website at work.  I've been using apache without problems
for quite some time, and thought I would try apache2 now.

I have only two customizations to the basic apache config: 1) a small
directory which is only accessable to machines within the domain.  2) I have
server side includes and .shtml processing enabled.

After installing apache2, I configured it to have the above two modifications,
which was easy enough to do.  However, when going to the main page
(index.shtml), all I see is the actual text from the file.  Nothing is
rendered and none of the server-side includes are actually processed.

I tried adding:
AddType text/html .shtml

but that didn't help.  I have the section of apache2.conf which concerns
server-parsed HTML enable:

# To use server-parsed HTML files
<FilesMatch "\.shtml(\..+)?$">
    SetOutputFilter INCLUDES

What else should I do?

--John Gruenenfelder    Research Assistant, Steward Observatory, U of Arizona
"This is the most fun I've had without being drenched in the blood
of my enemies!"
        --Sam of Sam & Max

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