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Re: Symbole euro

You can find documentation about the euro symbol at this page:


Hope this help.


> "Hullo everyone:
> "I have problems with the euro symbol. How does it happen that I get the
> euro symbol in a unicode xterm but I can't get it in emacs when using
> the console.
> "When I start certain applications I get the message: "Warning....
> "In short, if anyone can give me some idea of how to fix all these
> problems I'd be very grateful."
> Anthony
> --
> Anthony Campbell - running Linux GNU/Debian (Windows-free zone)
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> Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our
> obscurity, in all this vastness, there is no hint that help will come
> from elsewhere to save us from ourselves. [Carl Sagan]
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