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Re: Assigning a virtual ip address to PCMCIA ethernet card

also sprach Tan, Stephen <Tans@soe.sega.co.uk> [2002.07.09.1509 +0200]:
> I can confirm that I have used the virtual interface eth0:0 in the (recent)
> past with no problems. This was the reason I was puzzled at having to use
> eth0:1 as per Martin's instructions.
> In answer to Martin's question, I am using kernel version 2.2.19 on Potato.

i don't have a 2.2 kernel around right now, and the 2.4 kernels don't
seem to have that option (it seems builtin), but isn't there a kernel
configuration that enables virtual networking? did you enable it?

also, please don't reply to me and the list. just the list will do.

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
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