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Re: Filesharing in Linux

On Mon, Jul 08, 2002 at 11:50:57PM +0200, Helgi Örn wrote:

| If I want to share files between two Linux boxes

You need a way of identifying them first.  This is most commonly done
using /etc/hosts or DNS.

| connected to a router/switch using dhcp how on earth do I do that? 

The easiest way is to ensure that their IP addresses are effectively
static.  Are they on the same side of the DHCP server?  If not, and
they are masqueraded, that makes it rather difficult.  Otherwise you
just need[1] to add an entry in each one's /etc/hosts so that they can
reference the other one by name.

Then your options are
    1)  NFS - filesystem-level sharing, makes the remote disk look
                like the local disk
            Cons:  "insecure", use only on a trusted network
                   don't use on the Internet, only on a private LAN
                   uids and gids must be synced across the systems or
                    else you'll experience some funny "errors"

    2)  FTP - you probably know about ftp already

    3)  scp/sftp - works a lot like rcp/ftp but tunneled over an ssh
            connection.  works well across the internet, but is less
            convenient than NFS

    4)  smb (samba)

| In Windows I just right click on the My Network icon and search for the
| computer I want to get to.

That's because SMB (the windows protocol) uses broadcast requests to
determine who else is on the LAN.  It also tends to not work very well
beyond the local LAN.  You can use SMB (samba) on linux, but be aware
that it isn't designed for a unix filesystem, and as such plays some
funky games with the permissions bits.

| I've searched for information on how to share and/or synchronize
| files between Linux computers but without results.

There are also less mature, but more advanced, options like AFS and
Coda.  I know almost nothing about them.


[1] not _strictly_ necessary, but names are better for people to work
    with than addresses, and they are more flexible in config files
    when the app does a lookup since there is only one place to
    update when the address changes

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our
sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
        I John 1:9

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