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libspreadsheet-parseexcel-perl problem?


I just installed libspreadsheet-parseexcel-perl from testing and the
xls2csv.pl in the
gives me an error when I try to run it.

bxf4@c119756-b:~$ ~/bin/xls2csv.pl ps.xls 1-A1:C3
Can't call method "Value" on an undefined value at /usr/share/perl5/Spreadsheet/ParseExcel/Utility.pm line 994.

I don't know very much perl, but here is the relevant section of
Utility.pm (beginning at line 990):

	if( !$rotate) {       
   	for( my $y = $y1 ; $y <= $y2 ; $y++) {
   	   for( my $x = $x1 ; $x <= $x2 ; $x++) {
   	      my $cell = $oWkS->{Cells}[$y][$x] ;
   	      $output .=  $cell->Value ;
   	      $output .= "," if( $x != $x2) ;
   	   $output .= "\n" ;

I think that it doesn't like 'Value' on the fifth line.  The word
'Value' doesn't appear anywhere before in Utility.pm and only occurs
once more later.  I checked one of the other examples dmpEx.pl, and it
appears to work.  dmpEx.pl also has the 'Value' term used, so I am
puzzled as to why the other did not.  Any thoughts or suggestions will
be appreciated.


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