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Bringing up an interface without an IP address


I have a requirement for an IDS, that the interface it listens on be up, and in
promiscuous mode without an IP address assigned to it. I'm trying to work out
how best to achieve this, preferably, doing it "the Debian way".

>From reading interfaces(5) there appears to be no way to directly stipulate that
an interface be brought up in promiscuous mode, so I figured adding an "up
ifconfig eth0 promisc" to the stanza for that interface would do the trick.

I'm also giving the interface the address, which ifup complains about,
but still brings up the interface. The problem I'm having is the "up" part isn't
being run, I assume because of the error returned from trying to set the
interface address to

Can I do what I need to do using the interfaces file or am I reduced to a more
clumsy hack?


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