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Re: Running something on start up and shutdown

Thanks, that's what I needed.

After consulting the policy manual, I decided the right thing was
for the script to execute on entry into level S and exit for levels 
0 and 6.  The incantation for the script MSGateway is
    update-rc.d MSGateway start 90 S . stop 15 0 6 .
reflecting my judgement I wanted the system basically up before the
script ran on start up (priority 90, i.e., late) and I wanted the
shutdown to happen relatively early (priority 15).

I provide that account for the benefit of those who follow, and in
hope that someone will let me know if it was a mistake!

By the way, I'm not sure what the success thing was in the stop case
below; I got errors when I tested it and removed it from my script.

On Thu, Jun 13, 2002 at 09:28:18PM -0500, Ron Johnson wrote:
> On Thu, 2002-06-13 at 21:13, Ross Boylan wrote:
> > What's the best way to run a script once on startup and again (well, a
> > related script) on shutdown?  I want to run the scripts as a user
> > rather than root, which I believe is the standard init.d method.
> Since you (presumably) know about init.d & rc?.d, it's simple:
> put a file in /etc/init.d just like always, but here's what it
> will look like:
> #!/bin/sh
> # dnetc - starts and stops dnetc, the distributed.net key cruncher
> # Source function library.
> ####. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
> [ -x ~dnet/dnetc ] || exit 0
> case "$1" in
>   start)
> 	echo 'Starting distributed.net cracker'
>     su -c ~dnet/dnet.start.sh dnet
> 	;;
>   stop)
> 	echo -n 'Stopping distributed.net cracker'
> 	su -c ~dnet/dnet.shut.sh dnet
> 	success
> 	;;
>   *)
> 	echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop}"
> 	exit 1
> esac
> exit 0

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