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Re: Anyone have a copy of /etc/mailname?

> Everytime I start emacs I get the following annoying warning:
> 	No /etc/mailname. Reverting to default...
> What is this file -- could someone mail me a copy?

I use postfix so YMMV.

  cp /etc/hostname /etc/mailname

On my system it is the same as in hostname.  On my system both are
fully qualified domain names.  Again, YMMV but I think that is all you
need.  Probably 'dpkg-reconfigure postfix' or exim or which mailer you
are using should set up that file.

If you find that emacs needs it but your mailer is not setting it up
then probably a bug should be filed against the appropriate emacs
project since it would be requiring something that would appear
optional.  I don't think emacs should be needing it but if it does
then there should be a dependency such that all of the dependencies at
installation time happen.

IMNHO having an additional file to indicate hostname is not the best
configuration.  I would have it be $(hostname) but the additional file
probably supports a specific configuration such as virual hosting or a
hostname with a different domain or some such and so fine.


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