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Re: this post is not off-topic

>>"David" == David Wright <ichbin@shadlen.org> writes:

 David> I'll ignore the ad hominem. How about a poll at debianplanet?
 David> I guess you're confident that the second option would only get
 David> 2 votes.

	And what purpose would such a poll serve? I sure am not going
 to make a major change in what I work on based on what some poll out
 there in webland has to say (especially on a site that has always
 managed to turn me off and has persistently been a disincentive to
 work on Debian).

	I reiterate: people who volunteer work on what they want to
 work. I feel no obligation to hop when a group of users yell jump; I
 see no earthly reason why I should be expected to do so.

 Because I don't need to worry about finances I can ignore Microsoft
 and take over the (computing) world from the grassroots. Linus
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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