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Re: NAT and DSL internet access with dynamic IP and LAN clients

On Thu, May 30, 2002 at 08:14:11PM -0400, Baran wrote:

| NAT and DSL internet access with dynamic IP and LAN clients

This is easy :
    apt-get install ipmasq
| i have a DSL internet access with dynamic ip address not fixed
| (static) one.

No matter.
| i try to configure this DSL internet access on my Primary win2000
| server with RRAS to create NAT and to let my client PC's have
| internet access as well.

Oh, there's the problem <0.2 wink>.

| i believe there is something either funny or very serious point that
| i did not configure properily.

Uhh, I didn't see "debian" or even "redhat" mentioned anywhere in your
problem description.  The entire problem is understanding how IPv4
routing works and what NAT does.  My guess is twofold : 1) all clients
need a default gateway (doesn't look like you set that)  2) the NAT
box must be configured correctly.  It's really easy to use ipchains or
iptables to correctly configure a firewall with NAT.  In any event, I
wouldn't use windows in any sort of server or security role.  (games
and mucking with proprietary crap is the only use for windows.  the
former is merely a limitation in the current market.  actually I don't
even have any windows machines now, and thus don't play games.)



Be sure of this:  The wicked will not go unpunished,
but those who are righteous will go free.
        Proverbs 11:21
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