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Loadlin alternatives

Well, it looks like Loadlin and Woody will not be compatible for some
time [I hate to say not ever...  but I  wonder...]

If that is the case, it is a shame, because I suspect there are a lot of
users like me who want to keep Windows as their main bootup option just
in case they have problems with Linux and don't understand enough to
boot up.  

But anyhow, since Loadlin won't work, I'd like to know about other
bootup options.  

Also, I keep my root directory on /hdc3, outside of the normal bootup
range.  My Windoze boots on /hda1 (indeed, /hdaonly).

Ideally, I'd like to keep DOS/Windoze98 as the primary, preferred boot,
and allow myself just to switch into Linux when I want that.  

Can someone compare the different bootup methods for me, and also tell
which ones would be most compatible with my desires here?

  - Mike

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