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Re: mutt: equiv to Pine's "Forward as MIME digest?"

On Thu, May 23, 2002 at 07:23:10PM -0700, Paul Johnson wrote:
| In pine, you can tag a bunch of articles and group-forward them as a
| mime-digest.  Is this possible in mutt?  If so, how?

I don't know about the "digest" part, but if you set
mutt will forward a message as a  message/rfc822  MIME attachment.

You can set this variable in many ways
    o   in your .muttrc
    o   as a folder-hook, if all the relevant messages are in a given
    o   interactively while running mutt (":set mime_forward")

The tradeoff is when it is and isn't set and how much work you need to
do to (un)set it.  In particular I don't use mime_forward most of the
time, but in a few cases I do want to use it so I use method 3.

This variable is a "quadoption".  That means it can be
    no , yes , ask-no , ask-yes
The semantics of each value are intuitive, I think.  The default is

| This feature is extremely useful in sending spam at spamcop for
| reporting and something I use frequently.


Consider what God has done:
    Who can straighten what He has made crooked?
        Ecclesiastes 7:13
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