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Telnet weirdness


I have two computers, one is running a slack 8.0 distro, the other I
am trying to migrate from slack to debian woody (Actually, Debian Woody
unofficial, purchased from Edmunds Enterprises).  They are connected
by a single ethernet cable with a crossover network with static IP
addresses in /etc/hostname.

When both are running slackware, I can telnet between them by name
or ssh between them by name.

When one of them (named ragwind)  is running debian, I can ping my other
computer (named bluemouth, which is always running the slack distro)
by name.  i.e. "ping -c 1 bluemouth".  But if I try 'telnet bluemouth',
telnet just hangs.  On the other hand, 'telnet' works, where is bluemouth's IP address.  ssh does work by name, (i.e
ssh cpw@bluemouth.  OK, so far, it's something I can live with, though
I'd really like to know why telnet bluemouth doesn't work (and better,
be able to fix it so it does.)

Going the other way is different.  I can ping from bluemouth to my
debian machine (by name, 'ping ragwind') and I can mount a filesystem
from the debian machine on bluemouth ('mount -t nfs ragwind:...'),
but if I try to telnet, I get:
     cpw@bluemouth:~$ telnet ragwind
     Connected to ragwind.loc.net.
     Escape character is '^]'.

and that's it, it hangs until I quit out.  ssh also hangs.
(However, ftp seems to work.  At least I was able to do an 'ls' of a
directory from ftp.)

On the other hand, when I connect to my ISP with pppd, I can telnet in
to it with just plain 'telnet rahul.net' with no problem.

So mostly, I'd like to know why I cannot telnet in to the debian machine,
though I'd also like to know why I can only telnet to the slackware
using its naked IP address.  Except for putting the IP addresses
in to /etc/hosts, I haven't done any special configuration.  In order
to get the ethernet up and running I do the following (so far I do
this by hand, after the system is fully booted up)

	insmod dmfe  <to bring in the driver for the ethernet card>
	ifconfig eth0
	route add default eth0

That seems to be enough for slackware.

Thanks for any help

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