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Re: Where's the POP3 package?

On Sun, 2002-05-19 at 21:48, Glen Lee Edwards wrote:
> I need to install a POP3 server.  What package is it in?
> Is there a way that I can search packages for a file using apt and a regexp?

$ apt-cache search pop3d
cvm - Credential Validation Modules
cyrus-common - CMU Cyrus mail system (common files)
cyrus-pop3d - CMU Cyrus mail system (POP3 support)
libroxen-pop3 - POP3 server module for the Roxen Challenger web server
mailutils-pop3d - Mailutils-based POP3 Daemon
solid-pop3d - POP3 server supporting Maildir, PAM, vhosting
cyrus21-common - Cyrus mail system (common files)

If I wanted a stand-alone pop3 server, I think I'd choose 

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