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Print font in mozilla

I followed some advice I got on this mailing list, to
increase the font size in mozilla (for the headings, etc),
by changing the DPI setting under view->preferences->font.
(I changed DPI from 96 to 192, and I like the results
very much).

There are only two remaining problems:

1) When I print an email message, it prints with a tiny
   font.  I haven't been able to find a way to get a
   bigger font used in the printing.

2) When I receive a plain-text message from someone, the
   font displayed (although of a good size) is very
   washed-out and hard to read.  I haven't been able
   to find a way to change that (e.g., perhaps to a
   more bold font).

Any suggestions?

	Mike Fontenot

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