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NFS small trouble.

Hi folks. For the past 6 months, I've been building my diskless system at
home, in my spare time. Before posting this, I tried everyting I could
find documented, but troubles usually dont come documented.
Here it goes. My diskless computer works fine ( sometimes ). I have
X-window and all the fancy stuff. The problem is that with my 100( one
hundred ) Mbit network, I only have an average 280kbyte transfer speed,
measured like its stated in the latest NFS HOWTO:

time dd if=/dev/zero of=./testfile bs=16k count=65536

I'm using a cross cable, and another problem seems to be that when making
the test, the diskless hangs, and on the server side there are no packets
arriving. Still, I never got more than 280kbyte. I tried what its said in
the NFS HOWTO, to fidle with the rsize and wsize, but there wasnt mutch
improvemant, if there was at all.

Any hints are very welcome.

Is UDP a lot slower than TCP ? is it possible that the NFS client and
server are using UDP ?
My distribution is Debian and the NFS server is started from
/etc/init.d/nfs-server. By the way, I'm using NFS version 2, that was
distributed with potato 2.2 I believe.

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