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Re: rlogin without a password

Dougie Nisbet <dougie@highmoor.co.uk> writes:
> This used to be a piece of cake, but now in the Brave New SSH world,
> it's a right royal pain. All I want to do, is switch on my laptop,
> and remsh to my server, without specifying a username or
> password. Can I do this with ssh, and if not, how do I install old
> rsh/rlogin on my woody system?

Run ssh-keygen(1) to generate a public/private keypair.  These should
wind up in $HOME/.ssh, as identity and identity.pub.  Use scp to copy
the identity.pub file to the target machine, and cat it on to the end
of $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys.  (It's possible that you might not have
a .ssh directory; if not, create it, and run 'chmod 0700 .ssh'.)

Now, when you log in, make sure you're running an ssh-agent(1)
process.  (This happens by default when you log in to X, I believe.)
Run ssh-add(1); this will prompt you for the pass-phrase for the ssh
key, and register it with the agent.  Now when you run ssh, it will
get the private key from the agent and use that to authenticate you to
the remote machine (with no password).

There's some summary of this process in ssh-agent(1).  If it doesn't
work, try using 'ssh -v' to get moderate amounts of debug information.

David Maze         dmaze@debian.org      http://people.debian.org/~dmaze/
"Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal."
	-- Abra Mitchell

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