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Re: imap error

On Tue, Apr 30, 2002 at 08:42:53PM -0400, Tom Allison wrote:

| a8 select INBOX
| * 267 EXISTS
| * NO Can't get write access to mailbox, access is readonly

| a8 OK [READ-ONLY] SELECT completed
| --------------
| The command 'a8 select INBOX' is the problem.  I do not have the 
| correct access to this directory.  It matches up to the qmail 
| directory of ~/Mailbox/cur.
| $ls -l Maildir/
| total 32
| drwx--S---    2 tallison tallison    16384 Apr 30 20:32 cur
| drwx--S---    2 tallison tallison    12288 Apr 29 18:22 new
| drwx--S---    2 tallison tallison     4096 Apr 29 04:08 tmp
| ---
| Where should I begin in getting this working?

Who is the imap daemon running as?  Probably not you.  If it's
courier-imap as debian has it, try making the directories owned by the
group mail and rwx by that group.

    $ chgrp -R mail ~/Maildir
    $ chmod -R g+rwx ~/Maildir



In his heart a man plans his course,
but the Lord determines his steps.
        Proverbs 16:9
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