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Re: Reading to turn computer into internet router for modem


* Michael W. Cole <colemw@cox.net> [02-04-29 00:31]:
>I am trying to figure out how to create an internet router for two
>computers.  One is a linux and the other is a windows 98.  I just want
>to be able to have access to the internet on either at any time.
>Could someone please direct me to what I should be reading to learn how
>to do this?
You'll probably find something here:

If you want to spend some time on the basics, read this:

Kaufen, was einem die Kartelle vorwerfen; lesen, was einem die Zensoren
erlauben; glauben, was einem die Kirche und Partei gebieten. Beinkleider
werden zur Zeit mittelweit getragen. Freiheit gar nicht.
	- Kurt Tucholsky

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