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mod_webapp: WebAppConnection works, but WebAppDeploy doesn't.

Greetings, one and all.

I've just recently (yesterday) upgraded to tomcat4 (4.0.3-2) and am
attempting to use mod_webapp (1.2.1-1) to forward Apache requests to
Tomcat.  Per the README, I'd added the lines below to my httpd.conf:

WebAppConnection webConn      warp  localhost:8008
WebAppDeploy     examples     webConn  /examples

The first line causes no problems, but the second line produces this

Invalid command 'WebAppDeploy', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a
module not included in the server configuration

Commenting out the WebAppDeploy directive gets rid of the error, but
obviously makes the mod_webapp config effectively useless.  Has anyone
had a similar problem?  How should I go about debugging this?



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