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Re: Anyone know of a good debian mailing list?

On Sat, Apr 13, 2002 at 08:58:44PM -0400, Kurt Lieber wrote:

> This sure is a great PoliSci list.  Anyone know of a similarly good list for 
> discussions about Debian?

Stick around Kurt. My sense is that recent events and the tenor of the
times generally have conspired to bring many to the fore with voluble
opinions on all manner of vexing questions, most such questions being,
as you rightly note, far afield from our little bailiwick of computing
per se.

Indeed, the ventures into moral and political enthusiasm (in the
wonderful olde sense of the term) that have spawned recently on
debian-user pale in comparison to what's going on elsewhere in
Linux-land. (Those with strong stomachs should now take a look at
kde-cafe.) Even so, there is a certain stridency in the rhetoric of
some in our present company, especially those who see fit to exercise
their powers of moral judgement quite uninvited by the subjects of
said judgements. How lucky we are indeed to have in our midst
individuals of such high spiritual attainment that they can literally
divine when we mere mortals are in dire need of the balm of their
acute discernments. 

So perhaps we should be grateful for the generosity of our
self-appointed moralists? As for Debian-related questions, just direct
them squarely at Karsten, who seems of late to have too much time on
his hands!

Eric d'Alibut

    I am not a looney! Why should I be attired with the epithet looney
	merely because I have a pet halibut? I've heard tell that Marcel
	Proust had an addock! So, if you're calling the author of 'A la
	recherche du temps perdu' a looney, I shall have to ask you to
	step outside!

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