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Re: fluxbox and kde

Hmm... It kinda works. The main problem is that doing it that way is that kdesktop just shows up in a blackbox window.

I've explored the alternative of just starting kdesktop by itself with fluxbox, using the --x-root flag, but that presents some problems too:

1) kdesktop intercepts the middle- and right-clicks that are intended for the fluxbox desktop for its own menus. 2) lowering a window in fluxbox (by middle-clicking the titlebar) sends the window behind the desktop, only retrievable by using fluxbox's window-selecting arrows. 3) if I run the kicker, (a) it only shows up on one virtual desktop in fluxbox (I don't know how to launch it sticky, and it doesn't seem possible to change that once it's running), and (b) when I collapse it by clicking on one of its ends, it goes behind the desktop, just like the windows in #2 above.

If anyone has any suggestions on how to overcome these obstacles, I'm all ears.


Sheldon Lee-Wen wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On April 10, 2002 06:02 am, Thomas Peri wrote:

I've read that it's possible to use Fluxbox as the window manager in
KDE, but everything on the Web explaining how to do this seems to be
either outdated or 404'd.  Can someone point me to up-to-date
documentation on this?  I'm using Woody / KDE 2.2.2 / Fluxbox 0.1.6.

Edit the file /usr/bin/kde2 and on the line:

ksmserver --restore


- --windowmanager <wm>

where <wm> is the path to the script/program to start your window manager.

In the file you can see the following documentation just before the ksmserver line:

# Syntax:   ksmserver [--restore] [--windowmanager <wm>]
# if no windowmanager is specified, ksmserver will ensure kwin is started.
# [--restore] should be controlled by kdm

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