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Re: kcalc math bug?

On Fri, Mar 29, 2002 at 10:00:20PM -0800, Craig Dickson wrote:
> begin  Adam Majer  quotation:
> > No!! There can't be an option. If a calculator does not follow
> > precedence then there should be a grave bug against it. Why? Well, for
> > starters, it would mean
> >
> > 2+3 != 3+2
> Hardly. Ignoring precedence doesn't imply that addition isn't
> commutative.

Well, try




both are euqal to 5 by any basic math operations I know of.
by your method it means

2+1*3 = 3*3 = 9


1*3+2 = 3+2 = 5

but 9 != 5

hence not obeying precedence makes 3+2 != 2+3

- Adam

PS. This is just one example that shows why any calculator 
not using precendence is crap.

Plus on any calculator that does follow precedence, pressing 
= after each operation makes it behave like if it wasn't using
precedence too. But that's normal behaviour.

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