Re: using windoze keys
On Tue, Apr 02, 2002 at 07:25:43PM +0100, Patrick Kirk wrote:
> Create afile called .Xmodmap using the command touch .Xmodmap
> then edit it to read:
> keycode 115 = F13
> keycode 116 = F14
> keycode 117 = F15
> Now add the following to .xsession:
> modmap ~/.Xmodmap
> exec gnome-session
> Logout and login again and now you can use the F13, F14 and F15 keys represent the left-Win key, right-Win-key and context-menu key.
Further question:
I have a Microsoft "Natural Keyboard Pro" with a bunch of extra
buttons all over the stinking place.
When I press one I get "unknown scan code xx yy", where xx yy is
something like e0 6a.
Is there some way to translate that into the above?
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