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Re: OT: Is .RTF an Open Standard?

Kent West <westk@nicanor.acu.edu> writes:

> But to satisfy my original request, it doesn't have to be human
> readable. I'm looking to get my Windows users to stop using .DOC format,
> but I've got to give them something to use as a replacement. It needs to
> be *easily* readable on Win, Mac, and *nix (e.g. easily opened via
> MS-Word (cough gag)).
>   Basically, there seems to be no solution. Perhaps the best solution is
> to stick with the .DOC format, and for me to use Star/Open Office to
> filter out any possible viruses on my end, and leave the rest of the
> users to their risky behaviour.

The real problem is that you're insisting on using MS-Word.  MS tries
really hard to make the latest doc format the most widely used, in order
to lock in their users and force them to continuously upgrade.
Consequently, MS-Word has very poor support for any non-doc format, and
it will remain this way until someone puts significant financial
pressure on them to support other formats.  But, as long as MS has a
monopoly, this can't happen.

If you really do not want windows users to use the doc format, you
*have* to move them away from MS Office.  Try Star Office, or
gobeProductive, or whatever instead.

Brian Nelson <nelson@bignachos.com>

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