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Re: make-kpkg asks an unexplainable question

>>"martin" == martin f krafft <madduck@madduck.net> writes:

 martin>   make-kpkg clean
 martin>   make-kpkg binary

	Umm, this is not quite what you call, is it? You mention
 append-to-version below, so I suspect that you have a different
 command line. And in this case the difference is significant.

 martin> followed by

 martin>   make-kpkg modules-image

	You need to tell make-kpkg to use the exact same image
 version.  Or else make-pkg tries to warn yo about a mismatch early
 on, rather have things not work at install time.

 martin> this worked like a charm presumably until i replaced --flavour with
 martin> --append_to_version.

 martin> now it works, but it asks me an annoying question (the annoying part
 martin> is that it waits for user interaction) between the binary and
 martin> modules-image parts:

	Why not just do make-kpkg clean kernel_image modules_image
 on the same command line?

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