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Re: inappropriate racist and other offensive material

p wrote:
> >     Any racism you perceive in either of those two statements is purely
> >     your own ignorance and knee-jerk political correctness.
> b.s.!  making fun of someone else's skin color is patently wrong, and i
> don't care how you want to slice it or garnish it with "red herring":

I don't think I agree with this.  Why is racism any different to
religion, profession, food preferences, girth, sexuality, intelligence,
the way someone walks, political preferences, accent, in fact any
attribute of a person?  All of these are the subject of jokes;  why is
racism blacklisted and not the others?  If I find a joke about my race
*offensive* then I will tell you, and expect, out of consideration for
me, that you would refrain from such humour in my presence (however that
is defined on the internet) in future.  I have the same consideration
for others.  But if we are not allowed jokes about the way people are,
or even the way we ourselves are, then humour will become the sacrifice
we make to the great insecurity of our age.  Why do people find a joke
about, say, the way they walk offensive?  Because they are not
comfortable with it themselves!  I am happy with people joking at the
shape of my knees, because I don't mind what my knees look like;  they
serve their purpose passing well.  I am happy with people joking at the
clothes I wear;  I choose my clothes because they keep me warm, or not
as warm as the environment may demand.  I am happy with people joking at
my family;  my family is among the best I have known, and I don't think
they have a case to answer for the way they have brought me up.  And I
am happy with people joking at my religion, because I am confident that
I will be justified in the day when Christ returns.  Where am I going
with this?  I am not quite sure, but it seems to me that we are
over-sensitive on some issues which don't deserve such extra
consideration over others.

> >     You need a thicker skin.

apt-get install thicker-skin

> >
> ...(i'm gonna let that one pass.)
> just because there isn't a "crystalline" standard as to racist
> statements doesn't mean that "anything goes."  (even "free speech" has
> limits.)
> any offical .deb with that type of stupidity is a waste of bandwidth.

If it is a waste of bandwidth then why is it installed?  Clearly it
serves some useful purpose since people use it.  If some people want it,
then to not provide it is a disservice to them.  If you don't want it,
don't install it.

> > --
> > Share and Enjoy.
> >
> (thanks anyway.)

Ah, go and stick your head in a pig.

(If you don't recognise the quote, don't take offense at it, please.)

Tom Cook
Information Technology Services, The University of Adelaide

"That you're not paranoid does not mean they're not out to get you."
	- Robert Waldner

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