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FYI: Installing the Intel C++ compiler on Debian SID

Hello All,

I wanted to play around with the free (as in beer) Intel C++ compiler.
It was a bit of work to get it going on Sid. I thought I'd post
my experiences to debian-user. These instructions might be invalid
in a week. I'm not a glibc pro so I can't say....

PS Please don't flame me about using the Intel compiler. I'm not
advocating it, and I think the GNU compiler is great. I just
wanted to play around with it.

Anyway, here goes.

1) Go to http://www.intel.com/software/products/compilers/c50/linux/
and create a Premier Support Account. It's free.

2) Log in.

3) Download the latest version of the compiler
for RedHat 7.1 As of the writing of this email, the file is

4) Download the file LinuxOtherOSSupport5_0_1.tar.

5) Untar cc_rh71_020201.tar

6) Run alien --to-tgz on all .rpms  (making .debs failed for me)

7) Run tar -xzf on all resulting .tgz files.
This yields an "/opt" directory

8) The install is self-contained and you can put it where you want (that is,
it writes nothing to system dirs like /usr/include. I like /usr/local for stuff
like this (when there is no .deb file) so I did this:

cp -a opt/intel /usr/local

9) Edit /usr/local/intel/compiler50/ia32/bin/iccvars.sh and iccvars.csh, replacing
<INSTALLDIR> with /usr/local/intel. I don't have a 64 bit machine so I ignored
the ia64 directory.

10)Untar LinuxOtherOSSupport_5_0_1.tar

11) Follow the instructions in LinuxOtherOSSupport5_0_1.htm for installing the replacement

12) Do *not* (stress *not*) install the new substitute_header files... only the new libs.
This differs from the instructions for SuSE or Caldera.

All done. As far as I can tell, this works great.

Dr. Douglas Eck, http://www.idsia.ch/~doug
Istituto Dalle Molle di Studi sull'Intelligenza Artificiale (IDSIA)
Neural Networks, Rhythm Perception and Production, Dynamical Systems

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