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Re: seti@home

On Tue, 2002-03-05 at 14:13, Gary Turner wrote:
> I've been running setiathome on my winboxes and am considering adding my
> linbox to the mix.  So, the question is what is the appropriate
> directory to unpack and run this little bippy?  How does the graphical
> mode do?

Have you looked at http://www.distributed.net?  Instead of scanning
the sky for aliens broadcasting into the heavens, it tries to brute-
crack an RC5-64 cypher.

P.S. - If we expect _others_ to broadcast, why don't we broadcast
in all directions around the globe, hoping that someone else hears

| Ron Johnson, Jr.        Home: ron.l.johnson@cox.net        |
| Jefferson, LA  USA      http://ronandheather.dhs.org:81    |
|                                                            |
| 484,246 sq mi are needed for 6 billion people to live, 4   !
! persons per lot, in lots that are 60'x150'.                |
! That is ~ California, Texas and Missouri.                  !
! Alternatively, France, Spain and The United Kingdom.       |

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