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Re: Broken /proc? [SOLVED}

On Wed, 27 Feb 2002 09:51:16 -0500, Noah Meyerhans wrote:

>On Mon, Feb 25, 2002 at 01:57:38PM -0600, Richard A. Smith wrote:
>> Last week I did an 'apt-get update' of a debain unstable and now I've
>> noticed that my /proc fs  is broke.  
>> It appears to be mounted correctly and all the entries show up if you
>> do a 'ls' but if you actually try to look at an entry its just blank.
>Well, you're not the only one to see this problem...  I always though I
>was!  I never figured out what caused it, and I haven't seen it in

I actually solved it that night but I didn't post because I didn't
see any response.  But since a few others had the issue I'll outline
what fixed it for me.

For me turns out the the /proc *was not* mounted.  Even though mount
said it was.  Somehow I managed to copy a snapshot of the procfs onto
the actuall /proc directory.  In otherwords /proc was not an empty
directory.  It had a snapshot of a previously running system.  

Somehow this caused /proc to not get mounted from fstab.  But oddly
enough only /proc, all the other filesystems in fstab mounted
correctly.  And typing a 'mount' indicated that /proc was mounted.

I discovered it by looking at /etc/mtab which said that /proc was
_not_ mounted.  

Once I did a rm -r on the fake /proc all was well.  So I guess the
moral is don't trust the output of 'mount' if things are flaky or at
least cross check it with /etc/mtab.

I doub't that this was something to do with my upgrade.  Probally
something else I flubbed and just a fluke.  I was messing with moving
stuff around so I must have flubbed a 'cp -a' somewhere.  

I haven't tried to duplicate it yet either.  I'll leave that as an
exercise to the reader or for another time.

Richard A. Smith                         Bitworks, Inc.               
rsmith@bitworks.com               501.846.5777 x204                        
Sr. Design Engineer        http://www.bitworks.com   

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