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Re: What is /etc/environment for?

also sprach Paul Hampson <Paul.Hampson@anu.edu.au> [2002.02.19.1728 +0100]:
> What exactly is /etc/environment for, and how is it used.
> The only thing I'm aware of it being used in is for
> the locales package, and all that does is make perl give me
> warnings when it's run as a user on my i386, but not as
> root. And no warnings with either user or root on my PowerPC.

it's read by pam_env.so, so whenever you 'require' that PAM module in
/etc/pam.d/*, it'll read /etc/environment to set up the initial
environment. much better of a way to control users environments than

> And another quick question: is there an ssh setting that
> would override my preferences for X11 forwarding?
> ssh -X from i386a->i386b forwards OK.
> ssh -X from ppc->i386a forwards OK.
> ssh -X from i386a->ppc doesn't set DISPLAY and doesn't create
> a listening port forwarder. I'm slightly confuzzled by this.

ppc's /etc/ssh/sshd_config might not allow X11 forwarding. does it
have xlibs?

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; net@madduck
have you drugged your kids today?

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