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ISDN & diald: router setup tale of woe

Hi. I'm having massive grief configuring a standalone ISDN router and
I could desperately use some pointers.

Quick recap of the story so far: I started with a CD-based install of
2.2r5, then cast around looking for ways to configure the ISDN. I've
built routers before but never around dialup and I knew very little
about ISDN, so the default Debian configure tool confused me. Google
turned up a neat script at www.manna.nl which asked me questions in a
lovely hand-holding manner and set everything up.

Once this script was done, I had a init.d service called isdn that, when
started, does *everything* to configure the line. I have this service to
start at my default runlevel and on the router's console, I can type
'isdnctrl dial ippp0' immediately after booting and my net connection is
instantly up. I figured this meant I'd broken the back of the problem.

I have all the rest of the stuff I need-- masquerading, DHCP server
for local LAN, BIND, etc-- up and running. The last piece of the puzzle
is making the router dial out on demand but I've just spent nearly a
full day banging my head at the diald docs trying to make it co-operate.
I only need it to run isdnctrl dial and isdnctrl hangup to bring the
link up and down, but it's just not working.

Starting diald causes /var/log/syslog to fill with messages about
modules tap0-15 not existing; the diald docs mention that I should have
ethertap compiled in the kernel but modconf doesn't seem to know about
it. Even though diald shows up on ps aux, it doesn't seem to ever do
anything (pinging out etc doesn't make it dial) and route just shows my
LAN route. I'm presuming either route or ifconfig should show up the
SLIP loopback link diald uses.

Meanwhile, I'm looking at various diald docs and walkthroughs and
getting ever more confused because most of them assume normal dialup and
no two of them seem to do things the same way. It's possible I'm
supposed to be editing things under /etc/ppp but then again, maybe not
because I'm using ipppd; I'm so confused now, I really can't tell any

Any insight into how I can get this working is very much appreciated.
I'd like to think I know what I'm doing with Debian after a year of use
but this really has me frustrated.

Here's the diald config I've put^Whacked^Wcludged together so far:

= diald.conf ===============================================
#fifo /var/run/diald/diald.fifo
mode dev
connect "sh /etc/diald/connect"
device ippp0

# network options
#pppd-options asyncmap 0
#include /etc/diald/standard.filter

ip-up /etc/diald/ip-up
addroute /etc/diald/addroute
ip-down /etc/diald/ip-down
delroute /etc/diald/delroute

= connect ==================================================
/etc/init.d/isdn restart

= ip-up ====================================================
/usr/sbin/isdnctrl dial ippp0

= ip-down ==================================================
/usr/sbin/isdnctrl hangup ippp0

= addroute =================================================
logger -p local1.info $0 $* 

#. /etc/diald/config

# Setup the Link
#/sbin/isdnctrl addphone $1 out $PHONE
#/sbin/isdnctrl dial $1

# Setup Routes
# /sbin/route add janus $1 
/sbin/route add default $1
/sbin/route add $4 $1

exit 0

= delroute =================================================

. /etc/diald/config

logger -p local1.info $0 $*

# Delete The routes from the Link
/sbin/route del default
/sbin/route del $4

# Hangup the Linke
#/sbin/isdnctrl delphone $1 out $PHONE
#/sbin/isdnctrl delphone $1 out $PHONE
#/sbin/isdnctrl delphone $1 out $PHONE

/sbin/isdnctrl hangup $1 

exit 0

diald.options is empty.

Thanks in advance for anyone who actually read all that.

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