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Asian languages in linux (was 实现您 百 万富 翁的梦 想)

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On Thu, 14 Feb 2002 05:51, yleef@xinhuanet.com wrote:
> ÅóÓÑ£º

Grrrr, and I was so looking forward to seeing some mor unintelligable kanji...

I was almost starting to not mind Korean spam since every time I saw it I 
thought: Look at all those pretty characters, isn't it neat that Linux 
supports (at least reading) Asian languages out of the box now.  I guess in a 
few months I'd think of it as commonplace.

Speaking of which, I know it is possible to write Japanese in Debian, but how 
easy is it to set up? E.g. if I want to add a user to my typically en_NZ.utf8 
machine that will be using Japanese, how many steps do I have to do? I've 
seen it done under MacOS and it is both easy to set up and easy to use once 
set up.

Sorry about going a roundabout way to asking the question, I was just trying 
to make the point that now things are possible we need to make them easy.

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