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Re: device 3dfx ker 2.4.17

On Wed, Jan 30, 2002 at 07:11:24PM -0600, Lance Hoffmeyer wrote:
> I am trying to optimize my Voodoo 3500.  I have compiled the kernel
> with 3dfx support.  It is my understanding that I should now have a
> /dev/3dfx drivers, but I do not.  I had downloaded the device3dfx 
> drivers but after reading the docs I was lead to believe that these
> were only for 2.2.x kernels and were not needed for 2.4.x kernels.
> Do I need the device3dfx files for 2.4.x kernels?
> If not, why do I not have a /dev/3dfx file and how do I create one?

i think the 2.4.x kernels don't have /dev/3dfx device. You will just
get DRI acceleration for X. So if you install xfree 4.1.x with xmesa
then you should get accelerated X performance (including OpenGL).

- Adam

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