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Re: Woody KDE

On Wed, Jan 30, 2002 at 01:21:55AM -0500, Alec wrote:
> I'm curious, what's keeping some KDE packages from becoming 2.2?
> apt-cache show kmail 
> for example, still gives "4:2.1.1-7"

http://ftp-master.debian.org/testing/update_excuses.html says:

     * kdenetwork (4:2.1.1-7 to 4:2.2.2-13)
          + Maintainer: Daniel Stone
          + 18 days old (needed 5 days)
          + out of date on hppa: kdict, kit, klisa, kmail, knewsticker,
            knode, korn, kppp, ksirc, ktalkd, libkdenetwork1,
            libmimelib-dev, libmimelib1 (from 4:2.2.2-9)
          + kdenetwork (source) is buggy! (1 > 0)
          + Not considered

So the hppa build failures in bug #127869 need to be sorted out before
kdenetwork 4:2.2.2-13 can move into testing.

Colin Watson                                  [cjwatson@flatline.org.uk]

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