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Problem w/ bilingual sound in xawtv


since switching from XF 3.3.6 to XF 4.0.1, I'm having problems with TV
stations that send their program in bilingual sound.  Under XF 3.3.6 I
was able to switch the language using audio mode, just like on a normal
TV.  With XF 4.0.1 the option of switching the audio mode is no longer
available, unless I disable the Xvideo support for xawtv.  However, with 
`xawtv -noxv`, although the audio mode menu item reappears, it doesn't
have any effect.  No matter which option I choose, I always have the
audio in both languages.  This is fairly annoying, as you can imagine.

Any idea how to solve this?  I searched
/usr/share/doc/{xawtv,xserver-xfree86} and google without any luck.

Viktor Rosenfeld
WWW: http://www.informatik.hu-berlin.de/~rosenfel/

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