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Re: GRUB failing to bootstrap woody install

On Fri, Jan 25, 2002 at 01:49:42AM +0100, Carel Fellinger wrote:
| [ first I tried the GRUB mailing list, but later thought that it
|   might be debian specific, so I bugger you too                   ]
| I am trying to bootstrap a Debian install with GRUB, but I fail:(
| After some hours trying and reading I give up and turn to you guys.
| I've put the necessary files in /debian on a fat32 partition on hda1.
| If from a dos prompt I do:
|    D:
|    cd \debian
|    dosutils\loadlin linux root=/dev/ram initrd=images-1.44/root.bin \
|                     disksize=1.44

What is D:?  /dev/hda2?  (guessing from the '(hd0,1)' below).

| All's swell, but when I try GRUB menu's like:
|    #Menu 1
|    title   Debian GNU/Linux setup woody from mirror
|    root    (hd0,1)
|    kernel  /debian/linux root=/dev/ram

The kernel needs an initrd= argument.

|    initrd  /debian/images-1.44/root.bin disksize=1.44
|    #Menu 2
|    title   Debian GNU/Linux setup woody from mirror
|    root    (hd0,1)
|    kernel  /debian/linux root=/dev/ram initrd=/debian/images-1.44/root.bin \
|            disksize=1.44

No 'boot' or 'initrd' here.  You do need the 'initrd' command if the
kernel uses an initrd.

| then the linux kernel barks that it can't mount it's root fs.   

Do you know if the error is the
    o   no disk controller
    o   no fs handler
    o   can't find /

| Could some kind soul please explain to me what the heck I'm doing wrong?

Here's what I've got for booting with the debian packaged kernel :

title       Debian GNU/Linux (2.4.17-k7 , 1280x1024x16)
root        (hd0,0)
kernel      /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.17-k7 root=/dev/hda1 read-only initrd=/boot/initrd.img-2.4.17-k7 video=vesa vga=0x31A
initrd      /boot/initrd.img-2.4.17-k7

This is for booting /dev/hda1.

The other question I have for you : what partition is /debian ?  Is it
a directory in / or is it a separate partition that is mounted?
Remember that to grub all partitions are '/' since it doesn't have a
"mount table".



In the way of righteousness there is life;
along that path is immortality.
        Proverbs 12:28

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